Did last night’s dream leave you baffled? What could it possibly mean?  Click here to request a Dream Reading Analysis, and I will reply using my dream expertise and intuition to shed some light on what the dream is trying to tell you.

Dream Alchemy, empowering you to reconnect to your inner wisdom & to take action!

The Dreaming is pure alchemy, as we blend the Unconscious with the Conscious! How do we do that? 

Welcome Dreamers! Here you are encouraged to use your Dreaming to find your passion in life. By decoding the symbols found in the dreaming, and applying them to your day to day experiences, your insights will empower you to alchemize your challenges, your fears, your strengths and your gifts. Your dreaming shows you the path to the freedom to be you, creating the life you want to truly live; one built on intention, integrity and, of course, dreaming.

For more information, please contact me, Natascha Steckel via:

Email at [email protected] or telephone at 226-789-5989.

Natascha Steckel Dreamer, Author & Artist

From one Dreamer to another …

An almost life time ago, I was interviewed by a fellow spiritual seeker, on how I use Dreams to living and embracing my life on Purpose … and so it began.

I dream, I wake, I analyze, I use symbology, I use astrology, I use numerology and license plates, and in it I see a beautiful language that brings clarity, guidance and intuitive promptings to move through the plot twists of life. Without The Dreaming, I would have been lost in the vastness of life’s challenges. I understand now, that what I do intuitively, is not what everyone else does to walk through life. And I wish to share a small part of my journey, to plant a seed of curiosity in you, in hopes to help you build your intuition and sacred connection to your Higher Self, Spirit, God, Divine, Source, Nature, or however you wish to describe the ‘Unknown Essence’ that binds us all on an energetic level. The Dreaming is one way to learning more about this ‘Unknown Essence’ as it is happening to you at your deepest Unconscious. Still a part of you, and yet, so foreign and different, that we often push it away as ‘absurdity’ or ‘weirdness’ or ‘quackery’. Yet, once you learn to understand to translate the language of your sacred being, a whole new world of discovery awaits – a return to self of sorts, a return to your true essence. The dreaming has been a counsellor, a best friend, a tough task master, and a trusted guide, during my most tumultuous times, as well as through my most joyous of adventures. It is my greatest hope to spark an interest in getting to know ‘thyself’ so deeply, by staying curious to the process of dream discovery, that in the end you also can see the benefits and the peace that comes from being open minded in the discovery of who you truly are; on All Levels of Being! We carry all archetypes within us, and it is within The Dreaming, that we can safely explore them all, in The Dreaming, integration of shadow and light happens. In The Dreaming, connection to those who have gone before us, both human and animal, happens. And in The Dreaming, connection to the Divine, be it your guides, your God(s), your Source, your Angels, and so many more, happens.

Think of the precious resource The Dreaming brings, as in it, we can solve any issues in our tissues, be it mind, body, or sprit related. We were made, with everything we need, inside of us. We are never alone. All we need to do is go within; for me this happens in The Dreaming, be it during the darkest nights, or the brightest days. The Dreaming happens in meditation, during Day dreaming, and in the Night Dreaming.

The Dreaming is pure alchemy, as we blend the Unconscious with the Conscious! How do we do that? By translating The Dreaming’s symbols, applying them to our day to day experiences and taking action.

Natascha is a compassionate, knowledgeable, skillful and a highly intuitive reflexologist, dream guide and nutritionist! She has developed a unique way of approaching well-being to help clients release emotional, mental and physical tension at a very deep level. Not only will you feel more relaxed after receiving treatments from Natascha, you’ll sleep better, you’ll have more energy and you’ll feel better than you have felt in years!!

Mary C. Davis, Guelph
  • Certified Dream Coach ®
  • Structural Reflexology ®
  • Maternity Reflexology
  • Lymph and Endocrine Balance
  • Orthomolecular Health Practitioner and Nutritionist (ROHP, RNCP)
  • Reiki Master (RP, RT)
  • Registered Reflexology Practitioner (R.R.Pr.)
  • SNHS Dip. (Dream Therapy)
  • SNHS Dip. (Life Coaching)
  • Certificates of Acknowledgement (Natural Health Technologies) for: North American & European Iridology
    Rayid & Pupil Tonus
  • Herbology
  • Anatomy & Physiology
  • BA in Social Development Studies with a Minor in Social Work
    (U of W) (BA (SDS))
  • Certified Teacher/Trainer of Adults (Conestoga College) (CT)
  • German (Read/Write/Speak)
  • Sclerology